Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Monkeying Around?

Not me. I've been working! I had a request for monkey cookies for a baby shower this past weekend. I got all my supplies and began my work. These cookies were smaller than others I have attempted and with more detail. First almost completed batch- FAIL!!! I was not happy with them and how they represented my work. After a late night crying phone call to my husband at work, he came home and made me a template to help with my design. What a sweetheart! Not just for the template, but for putting up with all the projects I get myself into. Second batch, much better and I was pleased. The monkey cookies went to their baby shower and I must say, I was not sad to see them go.

1 comment:

  1. I am sorry they were such trouble but they sure were adorable. Thank you very much we are excited to see the next batch.
