Sunday, March 20, 2011

Upsy Daisy!

To welcome the arrival of Spring, I made flower cookies. They were supposed to be made during Spring Break at my mom's, but alas, it did not happen. Too much playing! So I made them when I got home and made them into daisies in my mom's honor. Daisies are one of her favorite flowers. Plus, I needed a batch of cookies to test mail for a possible order. Yippee!!! After the winter we had and being stuck inside with a brand new baby, bring on the Spring! 

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Be My Belated Valentine

I know, I know...early St. Patrick's Day, late Valentine's Day. I really do know when my holidays are. Because I did not get the blog up and running until this week, I was not able to post the Valentine's Day cookies I made on or around the actual day. So today I figured I would go ahead and post them. This was my first batch of valentine cookies and I was pretty pleased with how they turned out. Did not like how my red food coloring tasted, but now know the one I need to use next time. Being a stay at home mom we are definitely on a budget, so valentine's gifts were cards and cookies this year. My husband liked the cookies, but not the calories! Without further ado, they are already incredibly late. . .

Forgive the shoddy photos. We need a better camera. At least that's my excuse!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Shamrocks and Shenanigans

This weekend I made shamrock cookies. I know that St. Patrick's Day is over a week away, but their intended recipients will be on spring break then. Last year shamrocks were the very first cookie I made and decorated with royal icing. I am liking my green much better this year! Maybe if I keep a green cookie in my hand I won't get pinched!

Last year's model...